IntroductionZend_OpenId is a Zend Framework component that provides a simple API for building OpenID-enabled sites and identity providers. What is OpenID?OpenID is a set of protocols for user-centric digital identities. These protocols allows users to create an identity online, using an identity provider. This identity can be used on any site that supports OpenID. Using OpenID-enabled sites, users do not need to remember traditional authentication tokens such as usernames and passwords for each site. All OpenID-enabled sites accept a single OpenID identity. This identity is typically a URL. It may be the URL of the user's personal page, blog or other resource that may provide additional information about them. That mean a user needs just one identifier for all sites he or she uses. services. OpenID is an open, decentralized, and free user-centric solution. Users may choose which OpenID provider to use, or even create their own personal identity server. No central authority is required to approve or register OpenID-enabled sites or identity providers. For more information about OpenID visit the » OpenID official site. How Does it Work?The purpose of the Zend_OpenId component is to implement the OpenID authentication protocol as described in the following sequence diagram:
Zend_OpenId StructureZend_OpenId consists of two sub-packages. The first one is Zend_OpenId_Consumer for developing OpenID-enabled sites, and the second is Zend_OpenId_Provider for developing OpenID servers. They are completely independent of each other and may be used separately. The only common code used by these sub-packages are the OpenID Simple Registration Extension implemented by Zend_OpenId_Extension_Sreg class and a set of utility functions implemented by the Zend_OpenId class.
Supported OpenID StandardsThe Zend_OpenId component supports the following standards: