Zend_Json_Server - JSON-RPC server
Zend_Json_Server is a » JSON-RPC server implementation.
It supports both the » JSON-RPC
version 1 specification as well as the » version 2
specification; additionally, it provides a PHP implementation
of the » Service
Mapping Description (SMD) specification
for providing service metadata to service consumers.
JSON-RPC is a lightweight Remote Procedure Call protocol that utilizes
JSON for its messaging envelopes. This JSON-RPC implementation follows
PHP's » SoapServer
API. This means, in a typical situation, you will simply:
Zend_Json_Server utilizes Zend_Server_Reflection
to perform reflection on any attached classes or functions, and uses that
information to build both the SMD and enforce method call signatures. As
such, it is imperative that any attached functions and/or class methods
have full PHP docblocks documenting, minimally:
Zend_Json_Server listens for POST requests only at this
time; fortunately, most JSON-RPC client implementations in the wild at
the time of this writing will only POST requests as it is. This makes it
simple to utilize the same server end point to both handle requests as
well as to deliver the service SMD, as is shown in the next example.
Example #1 Zend_Json_Server Usage
First, let's define a class we wish to expose via the JSON-RPC
server. We'll call the class 'Calculator', and define methods for
'add', 'subtract', 'multiply', and 'divide':
* Calculator - sample class to expose via JSON-RPC
* Return sum of two variables
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @return int
* Return difference of two variables
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @return int
* Return product of two variables
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @return int
* Return the division of two variables
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @return float
Note that each method has a docblock with entries indicating each
parameter and its type, as well as an entry for the return value.
This is absolutely critical when utilizing
Zend_Json_Server or any other server component in
Zend Framework, for that matter.
Now we'll create a script to handle the requests:
span style="color: #808080; font-style: italic;">// Indicate what functionality is available:
// Handle the request:
However, this will not address the issue of returning an SMD so that
the JSON-RPC client can autodiscover methods. That can be
accomplished by determining the HTTP request method, and then
specifying some server metadata:
span style="color: #ff0000;">'Calculator''GET''REQUEST_METHOD']) {
// Indicate the URL endpoint, and the JSON-RPC version used:
$server->setTarget('/json-rpc.php'// Grab the SMD
$smd = $server->getServiceMap();
// Return the SMD to the client
'Content-Type: application/json'
If utilizing the JSON-RPC server with Dojo toolkit, you will also
need to set a special compatibility flag to ensure that the two
interoperate properly:
span style="color: #ff0000;">'Calculator''GET''REQUEST_METHOD']) {
$server->setTarget('/json-rpc.php'// Set Dojo compatibility:
'Content-Type: application/json'
Advanced Details
While most functionality for Zend_Json_Server is
spelled out in this section, more
advanced functionality is available.
Zend_Json_Server is the core class in the JSON-RPC
offering; it handles all requests and returns the response
payload. It has the following methods:
addFunction($function): Specify a
userland function to attach to the server.
setClass($class): Specify a class
or object to attach to the server; all public methods of
that item will be exposed as JSON-RPC methods.
fault($fault = null, $code = 404, $data = null):
Create and return a Zend_Json_Server_Error object.
handle($request = false): Handle a
JSON-RPC request; optionally, pass a
Zend_Json_Server_Request object to utilize
(creates one by default).
getFunctions(): Return a list of
all attached methods.
setRequest(Zend_Json_Server_Request $request):
Specify a request object for the server to utilize.
getRequest(): Retrieve the request
object used by the server.
setResponse(Zend_Json_Server_Response $response):
Set the response object for the server to utilize.
getResponse(): Retrieve the
response object used by the server.
Indicate whether the server should automatically emit
the response and all headers; by default, this is
autoEmitResponse(): Determine if
auto-emission of the response is enabled.
getServiceMap(): Retrieve the
service map description in the form of a
Zend_Json_Server_Smd object
The JSON-RPC request environment is encapsulated in the
Zend_Json_Server_Request object. This object allows
you to set necessary portions of the JSON-RPC request, including
the request ID, parameters, and JSON-RPC specification version.
It has the ability to load itself via JSON or a set of options,
and can render itself as JSON via the
toJson() method.
The request object has the following methods available:
setOptions(array $options): Specify
object configuration. $options may contain
keys matching any 'set' method:
setParams(), setMethod(),
setId(), and
addParam($value, $key = null): Add
a parameter to use with the method call. Parameters can be
just the values, or can optionally include the parameter name.
addParams(array $params): Add
multiple parameters at once; proxies to
setParams(array $params): Set all
parameters at once; overwrites any existing parameters.
getParam($index): Retrieve a
parameter by position or name.
getParams(): Retrieve all parameters at once.
setMethod($name): Set the method to call.
getMethod(): Retrieve the method
that will be called.
isMethodError(): Determine whether
or not the request is malformed and would result in an error.
setId($name): Set the request
identifier (used by the client to match requests to responses).
getId(): Retrieve the request identifier.
setVersion($version): Set the
JSON-RPC specification version the request conforms to.
May be either '1.0' or '2.0'.
getVersion(): Retrieve the JSON-RPC
specification version used by the request.
loadJson($json): Load the request
object from a JSON string.
toJson(): Render the request as
a JSON string.
An HTTP specific version is available via
Zend_Json_Server_Request_Http. This class will
retrieve the request via php://input, and allows access to the
raw JSON via the getRawJson() method.
The JSON-RPC response payload is encapsulated in the
Zend_Json_Server_Response object. This object allows
you to set the return value of the request, whether or not the
response is an error, the request identifier, the JSON-RPC
specification version the response conforms to, and optionally
the service map.
The response object has the following methods available:
setResult($value): Set the response result.
getResult(): Retrieve the response result.
setError(Zend_Json_Server_Error $error): Set an
error object. If set, this will be used as the response when serializing to
getError(): Retrieve the error object, if any.
isError(): Whether or not the response is an error
setId($name): Set the request identifier (so the
client may match the response with the original request).
getId(): Retrieve the request identifier.
setVersion($version): Set the
JSON-RPC version the response conforms to.
getVersion(): Retrieve the JSON-RPC
version the response conforms to.
toJson(): Serialize the response to
JSON. If the response is an error response, serializes
the error object.
setServiceMap($serviceMap): Set the
service map object for the response.
getServiceMap(): Retrieve the
service map object, if any.
An HTTP specific version is available via
Zend_Json_Server_Response_Http. This class will
send the appropriate HTTP headers as well as serialize the
response as JSON.
JSON-RPC has a special format for reporting error conditions.
All errors need to provide, minimally, an error message and error
code; optionally, they can provide additional data, such as a
Error codes are derived from those recommended by » the
XML-RPC EPI project. Zend_Json_Server
appropriately assigns the code based on the error condition. For
application exceptions, the code '-32000' is used.
Zend_Json_Server_Error exposes the following
setCode($code): Set the error code;
if the code is not in the accepted XML-RPC error code range,
-32000 will be assigned.
getCode(): Retrieve the current error code.
setMessage($message): Set the error message.
getMessage(): Retrieve the current error message.
setData($data): Set auxiliary data
further qualifying the error, such as a backtrace.
getData(): Retrieve any current auxiliary error
toArray(): Cast the error to an
array. The array will contain the keys 'code', 'message', and 'data'.
toJson(): Cast the error to a
JSON-RPC error representation.
SMD stands for Service Mapping Description, a JSON schema that
defines how a client can interact with a particular web service.
At the time of this writing, the » specification
has not yet been formally ratified, but it is in use already
within Dojo toolkit as well as other JSON-RPC consumer clients.
At its most basic, a Service Mapping Description indicates the
method of transport (POST, GET, TCP/IP,
etc), the request envelope type (usually based on the protocol of the server), the
target URL of the service provider, and a map of services
available. In the case of JSON-RPC, the service map is a list of
available methods, which each method documenting the available
parameters and their types, as well as the expected return value
Zend_Json_Server_Smd provides an object oriented
way to build service maps. At its most basic, you pass it
metadata describing the service using mutators, and specify
services (methods and functions).
The service descriptions themselves are typically instances of
Zend_Json_Server_Smd_Service; you can also pass all
information as an array to the various service mutators in
Zend_Json_Server_Smd, and it will instantiate a
service object for you. The service objects contain information
such as the name of the service (typically the function or
method name), the parameters (names, types, and position), and
the return value type. Optionally, each service can have its own
target and envelope, though this functionality is rarely used.
Zend_Json_Server actually does all of this behind
the scenes for you, by using reflection on the attached classes
and functions; you should create your own service maps only if
you need to provide custom functionality that class and function
introspection cannot offer.
Methods available in Zend_Json_Server_Smd include:
setOptions(array $options): Setup
an SMD object from an array of options. All mutators
(methods beginning with 'set') can be used as keys.
setTransport($transport): Set the
transport used to access the service; only POST is currently supported.
getTransport(): Get the current service transport.
setEnvelope($envelopeType): Set the
request envelope that should be used to access the
service. Currently, supports the constants
Zend_Json_Server_Smd::ENV_JSONRPC_1 and
getEnvelope(): Get the current request envelope.
setContentType($type): Set the
content type requests should use (by default, this is 'application/json').
getContentType(): Get the current
content type for requests to the service.
setTarget($target): Set the URL
endpoint for the service.
getTarget(): Get the URL
endpoint for the service.
setId($id): Typically, this is the
URL endpoint of the service (same as the target).
getId(): Retrieve the service ID
(typically the URL endpoint of the service).
setDescription($description): Set a
service description (typically narrative information
describing the purpose of the service).
getDescription(): Get the service description.
setDojoCompatible($flag): Set a flag indicating
whether or not the SMD is compatible with Dojo toolkit. When
TRUE, the generated JSON SMD will
be formatted to comply with the format that Dojo's JSON-RPC client expects.
isDojoCompatible(): Returns the value of the
Dojo compatibility flag (FALSE, by default).
addService($service): Add a service
to the map. May be an array of information to pass to
the constructor of
Zend_Json_Server_Smd_Service, or an
instance of that class.
addServices(array $services): Add
multiple services at once.
setServices(array $services): Add
multiple services at once, overwriting any previously set services.
getService($name): Get a service by its name.
getServices(): Get all attached services.
removeService($name): Remove a
service from the map.
toArray(): Cast the service map to an array.
toDojoArray(): Cast the service map
to an array compatible with Dojo Toolkit.
toJson(): Cast the service map to a
JSON representation.
Zend_Json_Server_Smd_Service has the following
setOptions(array $options): Set
object state from an array. Any mutator (methods
beginning with 'set') may be used as a key and set via this method.
setName($name): Set the service
name (typically, the function or method name).
getName(): Retrieve the service name.
setTransport($transport): Set the
service transport (currently, only transports supported
by Zend_Json_Server_Smd are allowed).
getTransport(): Retrieve the current transport.
setTarget($target): Set the URL
endpoint of the service (typically, this will be the
same as the overall SMD to which the service is attached).
getTarget(): Get the URL
endpoint of the service.
setEnvelope($envelopeType): Set the
service envelope (currently, only envelopes supported
by Zend_Json_Server_Smd are allowed).
getEnvelope(): Retrieve the service envelope type.
addParam($type, array $options = array(), $order =
null): Add a parameter to the service. By default, only the
parameter type is necessary. However, you may also specify the order, as
well as options such as:
name: the parameter name
optional: whether or not the parameter is
default: a default value for the parameter
description: text describing the parameter
addParams(array $params): Add
several parameters at once; each param should be an assoc
array containing minimally the key 'type' describing the
parameter type, and optionally the key 'order'; any other
keys will be passed as $options to
setParams(array $params): Set many
parameters at once, overwriting any existing parameters.
getParams(): Retrieve all currently set parameters.
setReturn($type): Set the return
value type of the service.
getReturn(): Get the return value type of the
toArray(): Cast the service to an array.
toJson(): Cast the service to a
JSON representation.